Lost in Memories

Still fresh like it all happened last week… I, Shikha*, my schooldays- made me feel nostalgic after that train journey ( http://sunilsvoyage.blogspot.in/2014/07/girl-from-4th-grade.html ). Monsoons of 2001… I was short but fair, naughty but innocent and was one of the talkative brats (according to teachers) in my class. Teachers tried all their ways to make me talk less in the class, but in vain. I escaped most of the time from the bamboo sticks since I had a poor physique. Fellow mates called me ‘kullan’(midget) since I stood first in the assembly line. Often I forgot my name itself when those idiots used it like my pet name. Start of another academic year, the rains lashed all the day while the teacher’s slashed the sticks on the bench to make us silent. Even though I was little naughty I was good in studies and teachers were little lenient about me being talkative. ...