K A A V U - A Mystical Journey

After a strenuous week , today was one of the refreshing days of my life which I would treasure for all time. Not because today was my 25 th birthday! I was neither partying nor cutting the birthday cake … But it was altogether an unforgettable day! With GOKUL Gokul was on-time at the rendezvous, glad to see his new bike and his everlasting smile. I followed him and we drove few miles east through the steep roads that wind up-hill, it was small but refreshing. The sunset, dark clouds, lightning and the sounds of thunder, scenic beauty of the valley and the thin strand like roads down the hill were all mesmerizing. We sat there for some time enjoying the nature’s beauty, clicked few pictures and a selfie- the new culture we are following!!! . Drove down-hill crossing the paddy fields, narrow roads and a long bridge. It was drizzling by the time we reached his Tharavadu (ancestral home). It would be more than sixty years old but still had its splendor. A big back...