When the cloud of thoughts engulfs my mind, my pen hesitates and I stumble. But still, I scribble and smile.
Push yourself !!!
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Push-ups @home
I would like to share one of the You tube links which I feel
we should include in our daily exercise, it's really good and helps you gain a muscular
This increase
your endurance too and if you miss one day of workout in gym, try to do this at home - it is a good warm up for your body.
“Travel becomes an art when nature is the artist”. NorthEast India is beautifully canvassed by the mother nature with its crystalline rivers, pristine landscape, the benign silence of the forests, precarious rapids and warm people. Those eight days in the NorthEast have rejuvenated my soul and would be cherished forever... Across the nation there were protests against the government’s decision on the amendment of the citizenship bill. Travel bans, internet ban and what not! I took a deep breath when the pilot announced our takeoff from the Kempagowda International Airport, Bangalore. ...
In the turbulence of technological revolution, we are in a rat race. We seldom have time to hear our inner selves as we are chasing the so-called success - defined by others. The focus is to earn more and be on the top of fame, but in that rush & hush we miss to really live the life and imbibe its meaning. I had a life with more have-nots than haves. Success was underrated as an accomplishment of mere physical possessions in life and measured it on others yardstick for a long time. But times have changed, the outlook towards life took a drastic drift. Now, when I sit back and think I understand that Success is not a mere state or destination, but it’s a journey. Success Chasing someone else’s definition of success and constantly falling short has become the norm of the society. Seldom people have their own yardstick to measure t...
Bangalore Days Turning around & cuddled up inside the blanket…the sounds of rain, the speeding train & the snuffling sounds from all over the place…Couldn't sleep at all and I got up, came near to the door… Everyone is sleeping and I saw the doors are closed because of the rains, came back to my place and slept … At least 3 more hours I have to adjust with this snuffling sounds before it reach Bangalore…The train is slowing down and it’s nearing Bangalore Station. Everyone is queuing up to get down with their luggage. It’s my first time to Bangalore in train and its been 10 years since I visited this beautiful city. Drizzling outside to my surprise and I somehow managed to get out from the crowded streets & started searching for a hotel. Every hotel hanged placards with “No room available” in the front. I saw the same response from all the hotels in that street and I was going in circ...
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